2020-12-16l 조회수 1004
안녕하세요, 저는 프랑스의 CREST – Ecole Polytechnique에서 포닥을 하고 있는 이의정 경제학 박사입니다.
제가 여러 연구자들과 공동으로 진행중인 프로젝트에 학부생 또는 대학원생 RA를 채용하려고 하는데, 주된 업무는 웹스크래핑과 한국어로 된 데이터 정리입니다. 해외 유수 대학의 경제학 교수진이 속한 연구에 참여하고 연구를 배울 좋은 기회라 생각합니다. 특히, 해외 경제학 박사 과정 진학을 희망하는 학생들에게 도움이 될 것 같습니다. 자세한 사항은 아래 영문 글을 참고해 주세요. 감사합니다.
“Group Composition and Group Decision-Making: Evidence from Municipal Council Meetings in South Korea”
by Oriana Bandiera (London School of Economics), Stephen Hansen (Imperial College Business School), Jay Euijung Lee (CREST – Ecole Polytechnique), Andrea Prat (Columbia University), and Martina Zanella (London School of Economics)
Abstract How does the proportion of females affect the group dynamic in a male-dominated setting? We study this question in the context of municipal council meetings in South Korea, exploiting the introduction of gender quotas in the elections for councilors. The legal requirement for councils to publish verbatim minutes of council meetings gives us the unique opportunity to observe in a systematic manner how individuals interact. Identity economics as well as a vast literature in sociology make varied predictions of male and female behavior in male-dominated settings. For example, men may hold the view of women as threats, or they may gradually become more accepting of female colleagues. Women may cope by taking on masculine attitudes and distancing themselves from female colleagues, or they may develop solidarity among themselves. We intend to analyze the minutes of the council meetings, collected by scraping the websites of all 226 municipal councils, to see how the increase in the share of female councilors affected female and male MP behavior. Measures of behavior include frequency and length of speech, proposal and endorsement of new bills, and contention against and support for other councilors. This study may also shed light on the exact mechanisms behind existing findings of gender quotas in political positions leading to female-friendly policies, by zooming in on the legislative process.