[공개 특강] Monetary and Fiscal Policy Interactions
- 시간 : 7/29 (월) 13:00 - 16:00
7/31 (수) 13:00 - 16:00
8/2 (금) 13:00 - 16:00
- 장소 : 16동 349호
- 강사 : Eric M. Leeper / 윤 택
- 내용 :
7/29 (월) : Simple DSGE model for price-level determination.
7/31 (수): Linear analysis to characterize the MP/FP behavior that is consistent with existence and uniqueness of a bounded equilibrium and to focus on local dynamics within a neighborhood of steady state, rahter than previous global results.
8/2 (금) : DSGE models with nominal rigidities to analyze MP and FP impacts on real rates and output.
*Lecture notes 를 첨부합니다.