6월 8일 (수) 김태성 세미나

2016-05-27l 조회수 2192

6월 8일 (수)에는아래와 같이 김태성 기념 세미나를 개최하오니
관심 있는 학생분들의 많은 참석 부탁 드립니다.
◈ 주 제 : "Antitrust and innovation in the digital economy; intervene and regulate, or let the market decide?"
◈ 강 사 :  Maurits Dolmans (Partner, Cleary Gottlieb)
◈ 토론: Christopher Yoo (Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania), 이 상승 (서울대학교 경제학부 교수)
◈ 일 시 : 2016년 6월 8일 수요일 16:30 ~ 18:00
◈ 장 소 : 사회과학대학 (16동) 6층 655호 (경제학부 세미나실)
◈ 주 관 : BK21플러스, 경제학부, 경제연구소

Maurits Dolmans
Maurits Dolmans is a partner at the London office of Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP, having originally joined in 1985 in Brussels. As partner, Dolmans’ practice area primarily focuses on EU, UK, and international competition law, as well as EU regulatory and intellectual property laws. During his legal career, he has appeared in proceedings before the EU Commission and the EU courts, national courts and national competition authorities of several Member States, and ICC and NAI arbitrations. Many of these cases have dealt with abuses of dominance, standardization, access to networks, mergers and joint ventures, cartels, licensing and distribution, the interplay between intellectual property, innovation, and competition. He was involved in the EU clearance for Google's acquisition of Motorola, UK Office of Fair Trading clearance for Google's acquisition of Beatthatquote, and has represented Google and other IT and media companies in a wide range of matters involving alleged abuse of dominance relating to patents, search services, advertising, media, and communications. Earlier in his career, Dolmans worked extensively on various complaints in Commission and European Court proceedings against Microsoft concerning the interface between IP and competition. Dolmans has published widely in patent, internet competition and antitrust issues, including a paper titled “Internet & Antitrust: An overview of EU and national case law”, in which he discussed the role of antitrust policies in the online economy. His legal career led him to be honored by Chambers "The World's Leading Lawyers" and other publications as a leading lawyer in the areas of Competition/Antitrust and Communications. He received an LL.M. degree from Columbia University in 1985 and a Master of Laws from the Rijks Universiteit Leiden in The Netherlands in 1984.
Christopher S. Yoo

Christopher Yoo is a John H. Chestnut Professor of Law, Communication, and Computer & Information Science at the University of Pennsylvania. He is also the Founding Director of the Center for Technology, Innovation & Competition. Yoo has emerged as one of the nation’s leading authorities on law and technology. His research focuses on how the principles of network engineering and the economics of imperfect competition can provide insights into the regulation of electronic communications. He has been a leading voice in the “network neutrality” debate that has dominated Internet policy over the past several years. He is also pursuing research on copyright theory as well as the history of presidential power. He is the author of The Dynamic Internet: How Technology, Users, and Businesses Are Transforming the Network (AEI Press, 2012), Networks in Telecommunications: Economics and Law (Cambridge Univ. Press, 2009) (with Daniel F. Spulber) and The Unitary Executive: Presidential Power from Washington to Bush (Yale Univ. Press, 2008) (with Steven G. Calabresi). Yoo testifies frequently before Congress, the Federal Communications Commission, and the Federal Trade Commission.