2012-05-08l 조회수 2134
Special Seminar Announcement
Subject: Economics of Global Climate Change and the Environment
Date and time: Friday, May18, 2012, 1:30pm
Venue: International Lecture Hall, Social Sciences Building, SNU
Organized by: Department of Economics, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, and Asian Institute for Energy, Environment, and Sustainability
Seminar chairman: Professor Lee, Joon Koo (Dept. of Economics)
Welcome remarks: Professor Hong, Keehyun (Chair, Dept. of Economics)
1:40 ~ 2:20: V. Kerry Smith (W. P. Carey Professor, Department of Economics, School of Sustainability, and School of Geographical Sciences, Arizona State University)
Title: Sustainable Environmental Economics: Recognizing the Importance of Feedbacks from Environmental Systems for Economic Markets
2:20 ~ 3:00: W. Michael Hanemann (Chancellor's Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics and the Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley)
Title: What is Wrong with the Conventional Climate Change Damage Functions?
3:00 ~ 3:10: Break
3:10~ 3: 25: Discussant Professor Lee, Jisoon (Dept. of Economics)
3:25 ~: Q&A and Discussion
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