10월 14일 (금) Economic Theory Workshop 안내

2016-10-06l 조회수 2926

10 14 () 서울대학교 아시아연구소 303호에서 다음과 같은 일정으로 <Economic Theory Workshop> 열릴 예정입니다.

관심 있는 분들의 많은 참석을 바랍니다.

   -일시: 2016 10 14 금요일


-장소: 서울대학교 아시아연구소(101) 303


Session I (10:00-11:30)


10:00-10:45  Jimmy Chan (Fudan)

                 The Value of Linking: Efficiency and Self-evident Sets


10:45-11:30  David Miller (Michigan)

                 Relational Contracting with External Enforcement”


11:30-13:30   Lunch


Session II (13:30-15:30)


13:30-14:15  Daisuke Oyama (Tokyo)

                 Mean-Field Approximation of Forward-Looking Population Dynamics


14:15-15:00  Sung-Ha Hwang (Sogang)

                 “Positive Feedback in Coordination Games: Stochastic Evolutionary Dynamics and the Logit Choice Rule”


15:00-15:30  Coffee/Tea


Session III (15:30-17:00)


15:30-16:15  Duozhe Li (Chinese U of Hong Kong)

                 Decentralized One-to-Many Bargaining


16:15-17:00  Jinwoo Kim (Seoul National)

                 “Stable Matching in Large Economies”


Sponsors:  Seoul National University, Department of Economics

                  Seoul National University Asia Center

                  National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-2014-S1A3A2043505)

                  Korean Econometric Society