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25Apr, 2023

[Others] Deindustrialization and Industry Polarization 09:00 ~ 10:00 | Zoom을 통한 비대면 세미나

Kei-Mu Yi (Dallas Fed,UH)
25Apr, 2023

[SIRFE Seminar] Optimal Swing Pricing 17:00 ~ 18:15 | 우석경제관(223동) 504호

Todd Keister (Rutgers)
21Apr, 2023

[CEBSS Seminar] Competing for Proposal Rights: Theory and Experimental Evidence (With Ernesto Reuben) 16:00 ~ 17:30 | Zoom을 통한 온라인 세미나

Andrzej Baranski ( New York University Abu Dhabi)
20Apr, 2023

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Metrics)] Asymptotic Representations for Sequential Decisions, Adaptive Experiments, and Batched Bandits 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 우석경제관(223동) 307호

Jack Porter (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
19Apr, 2023

[Applied Micro Seminar] Dynamic Labor supply with Investments in Child Quality 16:30 ~ 17:45 | 우석경제관 223동 307호

Daeil Kim (SNU)
13Apr, 2023

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Partial Secrecy in Vertical Contracting 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 우석경제관(223동) 307호

도지환 (연세대학교)
13Apr, 2023

[Applied Micro Seminar] Attracting and Retaining Highly Effective Educators in Hard-to-Staff Schools 12:00 ~ 13:15 | 우석경제관 223동 307호

Steven Rivkin (U Illinois at Chicago)
6Apr, 2023

[Applied Micro Seminar] Essays on health insurance 11:30 ~ 12:30 | Applied Micro Brown Bag

최윤지 (석박통합과정 수료)
6Apr, 2023

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Metrics)] Mean Reversion and Stationarity 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 우석경제관(223동) 307호

김지현 (성균관대)
4Apr, 2023

[SIRFE Seminar] Redistribution and Unemployment Insurance 17:00 ~ 18:15 | 우석경제관(223동) 504호

Antoine Ferey (Munich (LMU))
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