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학외 공지사항

[홍보] [UT Austin] The Developing Economist Call for Submissions for undergraduate - Fall 2024

2024-09-05l 조회수 141

University of Texas at Austin에서 학부생 연구 성과를 공유하는 'The Developing Economist' 저널에서 서울대학교 학부생들의 연구 성과를 제출받고 있습니다.
자세한 내용은 아래 글과 링크를 참고해주시기 바랍니다.

The University of Texas at Austin’s student-run undergraduate economics journal, The Developing Economist, is seeking submissions from undergraduate students for its seventh edition. Our team of editors is committed to producing an annual volume of high-quality academic work done by undergraduates from across the nation. We aim to create an avenue for young researchers to showcase and receive recognition for their work. 

Writings should be economic in nature. However, interpretation of that criterion may be related to other academic fields. Students whose focus is in political economy, finance, or mathematics should not hesitate to send their work.

I attached an advertisement that you can distribute among your undergraduate students. Any mention in newsletters, membership mailing lists, or meeting announcements would be greatly appreciated. Interested students should submit their work here: . The deadline for submission is November 20, 2023.


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