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[분배정의연구센터 세미나] 3월 19일 (목) Barbara Allen 교수 (Carleton College)

2015-03-14l 조회수 2429


  • 발표자: Barbara Allen (Carleton College)
  • 일시: 2015년 3월 19일 목요일 5시
  • 장소: 서울대학교 사회과학대학(16동) 국제회의실(349호)
  • 제목: “Tocquevillean Analytics as a Foundation for Workshop Analytics”
  • 주최: Center for Distributive Justice at SNU, SSK Distributive Justice and Social Cohesion SSK Research Group


“Tocquevillean Analytics as a Foundation for Workshop Analytics”


Perhaps more than any other author, Alexis de Tocqueville, particularly the ideas found in his Democracy in America (1835-1840) and The Old Regime and Revolution (1856) influenced Vincent Ostrom’s scholarship. Ostrom subtitled his book, The Meaning of Democracy and the Vulnerability of Democracies, as “A Response to Tocqueville’s Challenge.” Tocqueville offered the framework from within which Ostrom read Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison’s Federalist and from which Ostrom wrote his interpretation of Hamilton et al.’s work, The Political Theory of a Compound Republic. Elinor Ostrom, on the other hand, explained without hesitation, that she had read Tocqueville’s Democracy once, but never made a study of this work. In what way, then, couldTocqueville’s analytical approach be the basis of a Workshop [in Political Theory and Policy Analysis] analytical approach? Professor Barbara Allen will discuss the main features of a “Tocquevillean Analytics,” comparing these with the analytical frameworks of the Ostrom Workshop (“Workshop Analytics” AKA the “Bloomington School”) and engaging audience members in a discussion of the Workshop school(s) of thought.


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