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[BK21플러스]OECD 인사 초청 진로지도 특강  "Better policies for better lives: career opportunities at the OECD"

2015-03-24l 조회수 2903


BK21플러스 사업단에서 아래와 같이 대학생을 위한 진로지도 특별강연을 개최하고자 하오니,
관심있는 학생 여러분들의많은 참여를 부탁 드립니다.

주제: Better policies for better lives: career opportunities at the OECD
연사: Dr. Sanghoon Ahn(KDI, OECD), Dr. Carlo Menon (OECD)
일시: 3월 31일 화요일 오전 11시-오후1시
장소:서울대학교 사회과학대학 16동 349호(국제세미나실)
대상:국제기구 취업과 활동에 관심있는 대학원생,학부생 

**본세미나는 BK21플러스 관련 세미나로, 출석이 인정 됩니다.
*** 본 강연에서는 간단한 점심 (샌드위치 및 음료)이 제공 될 예정입니다.

Bk21plus project would like to announce that the Special Lecture on Career Development will be held on March 31, we will be hosting guest speakers from the OECD.
This lecture is aimed to provide information on career opportunities (including the OECD’s job opportunities website, internship, and etc.). Those who wish to join in the OECD will surely benefit from the lecture.

Please refer to the following information, any interested students are cordially invited.

Title: "Better policies for better lives: career opportunities at the OECD"
Speaker: Dr. Sanghoon Ahn(KDI, OECD), Dr. Carlo Menon (OECD)
Date/Time: March 31, 2015, 11:00 ~ 13:00
Venue: Bldg. 16, Room# 349

Short Biography of Invited Speakers:

Sanghoon Ahn
Sanghoon Ahn is Senior Economist at the OECD and Fellow at the KDI. He started his career at the OECD in the Economics Department (1997-2001), where he carried out economic analyses on a wide range of issues, serving the Korea & Turkey Desk, the Money & Finance Division, the Resource Allocation Division, and the Structural Policy Analysis Division. He joined the KDI in 2005, after teaching and doing research at the Hong Kong University of Science & Technology and at Hitotsubashi University in Japan (2002-2005). He was in charge of the Public Investment Evaluation Division and the Policy & Research Division of the Public and Private Infrastructure Investment Management Center at the KDI (2008-2010), and was Director of Industry & Competition and Managing Director at the KDI (2012-2013). He also served as Adviser in the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) at the Word Bank (2010-2011). Sanghoon holds a PhD in Economics from the Massachussets Institute of Technology (MIT) and a BA in Economics from the Seoul National University. His main areas of interest are international economics, economic growth, development, technology, innovation, and productivity.

Carlo Menon
Carlo Menon is an Economist within the Structural Policy Division of the Directorate for Science, Technology and Innovation of the OECD since September 2011. In this capacity, Carlo contributes to evidence-based policy analysis on enterprise dynamics, allocative efficiency, and innovation. Previously he had been working for almost two years as a Research Economist at the Bank of Italy, where he authored a number of reports and research papers in the fields of policy evaluation, urban and regional economics, and industrial policy. Carlo is also an affiliate with the Spatial Economic Research Centre at the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK). His research is being published in recognized academic journals, including the Journal of Economic Geography, theWorld Bank Economic Review and the Journal of Banking & Finance, and the findings from his work had often captured the attention of leading Italian and international media. Carlo holds a PhD from the London School of Economics and Political Science, UK (2009), and a M.Res. (2005) and a B.Sc. (2003) in Economics from the University of Venice, Italy.


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