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Past Seminars (before 2017)

The 19th Seoul Journal of Economics 국제 심포지엄

2011-10-24l 조회수 2650

Prof. Masahiko Aoki의 특별강연

"Evolution of East Asian Firms and Institutions"


일본기업론으로 유명한 스탠포드 대학교의 M. Aoki 교수가 오는 113() 오후 1230분에 Evolution of East Asian Firms and Institutions를 주제로 특별강연을 갖습니다. Aoki 교수는 현재 International Economic Association 회장직을 맡고 있으며, 동양인으로서는 상당히 노벨상에 근접했다고 평가받는 저명한 학자입니다. 최근에는 일본기업 차원을 넘어 동아시아 3국 경제제도의 역사적 진화에 대해 연구하고 있으며, 이번 강연도 이와 관련된 주제로 이루어질 예정입니다. 관심 있으신 분들의 많은 참석을 바랍니다.


Prof. Masahiko Aoki (Stanford University)

"Evolution of East Asian Firms and Institutions"


일 시: 113() 오후 1230- 2

장 소: 사회과학대 16동 교수회의실 312

주 최: 경제연구소, 경제학부 WCU & BK21

문 의: (02) 880-5434,

(12-도시락 점심, 1230-강연 시작)


아울러, 같은 날(3) 오전 9시부터 오후 6시까지 Comparative Evolution of the East Asian Firms라는 주제로 국내외 학자들이 참여하는 19SJE 국제 심포지엄3층 국제회의실에서 개최될 예정이오니, 관심 있으신 분들의 적극적인 참여를 부탁드립니다.


The 19th Seoul Journal of Economics 국제 심포지엄

“Comparative Evolution of the East Asian Firms”


일 시: 113() 오전 9- 오후 6

장 소: 사회과학대 16동 국제회의실 340

주 최: 경제연구소, 경제학부 WCU & BK21

문 의: (02) 880-5434,


09:0009:20 Registration

09:2009:30 Welcoming Remarks

Keehyun Hong (Department Chairman, Seoul National University)

Introduction of the Symposium

Keun Lee (Seoul National University)


09:3012:00 Session I: Evolution of Business Groups in Asia

Chair: Keehyun Hong (Seoul National University)


Speaker 1: Asli M. Colpan (Kyoto University)

“Competitive Dynamics of Business Groups in Late-Industrialization”

Discussants: Youngjae Lim (Korea Development Institute)

and Hyun Jong Kim (Korea Economic Research Institute)


[Short break]


Speaker 2: Takashi Hikino (Kyoto University)

“Business Groups in Japan: Too Many Categories, Too Much Confusion”

Discussants: Woochan Kim (Korea Development Institute)

and Sung Wook Joh (Seoul National University)


Speaker 3: Keun Lee (Seoul National University)

“The Evolution of Business Groups in Korea”

Discussants: Hicheon Kim (Korea University)

and Jin Bang Kim (Inha University)


12:0014:00 Lunchon Keynote Speech (Faculty Conference Room, #312)


Speaker: Masahiko Aoki (Stanford University)

“Evolution of the Firms and Institutions in East Asia”

Chair: Keun Lee (Seoul National University)

Discussants: Chenggang Xu (The University of Hong Kong)

and Keunkwan Ryu (Seoul National University)


14:0014:15 Coffee Break


14:1515:55 Session II: Firms in China

Chair: Byung-Yeon Kim (Seoul National University)


Speaker 4: Chenggang Xu (The University of Hong Kong)

“Political Rents and Firms in China”

(Co-authored with Di Guo, B-Y Kim and KunJiang)

Discussants: Woojin Kim (Seoul National University),

Donghoon Hahn (The Catholic University of Korea)


Speaker 5: Di Guo (The University of Hong Kong)

“Venture Capital Investment and the Growth of Entrepreneurial Firms: Evidence from China”

(Co-authored with KunJiang)

Discussants: Jooyoung Kwak (Yonsei University)

and Young-Sam Kang (WCU, Department of Economics, Seoul National University)


15:5516:10 Coffee Break


16:1017:50 Session III: Comparing Firms in Korea, Japan, and U.S.A.

Chair: Jisoon Lee (Seoul National University)


Speaker 6: Tsutomu Miyagawa (Gakushuin University)

“Comparing the Management Practices of the Korean and Japanese Firms, Based on the Joint Survey”

Discussants: Jeong-Dong Lee (Seoul National University)

and Elias Sanidas (Seoul National University)


Speaker 7: Buru Im (BK21, Department of Economics, Seoul National University)

“Comparing the Catching-up Firms with the Advanced Firms: Korea vs. U.S.A.”

(Co-authored with Keun Lee)

Discussants: Yongyul Kim (Hongik University)

and Woo seok Ok (University of Incheon)


17:5018:00 Concluding Remarks

19:0020:30 Dinner




Keun Lee (Editor, Seoul Journal of Economics, Seoul National University, Tel: 02-880-5434, E-mail:


Byung-Yeon Kim (Visiting Professor at Kyoto University, Director, World Class University, Seoul National University, Tel: 02-880-6393, E-mail:

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