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Past Seminars (before 2017)

WCU/BK21 미시경제학 강의시리즈 안내(연세대학교 7월16,18,20일)

2012-07-16l 조회수 2595

저희는 연세대학교 WCU-글로벌경제와 시장설계 사업단입니다.

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주위의 동료 연구자들에게도 저희 강의 시리즈에 대해 알려 주셔서 참석할 수 있도록 독려해 주시면 감사하겠습니다.


- 일시 : 2012년 7월 16, 18, 20일 (14:00 -16:00)

- 장소 : 대우관 607호 

- 강사 : Priof. Axel Anderson (Georgetown University) 


Lecture 1: Introduction to the Matching Framework.  This lecture introduces static continuum agent matching models, as in Gretsky, Ostroy, and Zame (1992 and 1999), with mathematical precedence dating back toMonge and Kantorovich.  We will restrict attention to homogenous preferences and focus on transferable utility models.  In addition to developing the mathematical formalism, we will cover some of the classic economic insights, as in Becker (1973).

Lecture 2: Dynamic Matching with Evolving Human Capital.  The static model is embellished to allow for type dynamics.  Specifically, today’s match partner influences tomorrow’s type (human capital), as in Anderson and Smith (2010) and Anderson (2011).

Lecture 3: Human Capital Investment and the Holdup Problem.  In the previous lecture, matching and human capital decisions are intertwined.  In the current lecture, we consider models in which these decisions can be separated, as in Cole, Mailath, and Postlewaite (2001).


WCU-글로벌경제와 시장설계사업단장

최연구 올림 


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