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Generative AI Adoption in Creative Tasks: Performance, Valuation, and User Perspectives (joint with Wenbo Zou)

Date: Friday, Apr 26, 2024, 10:00 ~ 11:30
Speaker: ZHU Feng (Nankai University)
Location: Zoom을 통한 온라인 세미나
Abstract: Generative artificial intelligence (AI) technologies are believed to have the potential to enhance human creativity. In a preregistered lab experiment, we assigned novel creative tasks to 124 university students and provided a random half of them access to ChatGPT. ChatGPT access worsened creative performance for participants whose creative potential was above the sample median. This negative treatment effect can be explained by the intensity of the human-AI interactions. However, participants with access to ChatGPT reported higher levels of satisfaction and self-efficacy. After the interaction, participants’ self-rated skills in creativity and actual performances in a modified creativity potential task rose, while their self-rated skills in communication, willingness-to-pay (WTP) for ChatGPT access in a future task, and concern and excitement about AI’s creativity, all dropped.

※ 본 세미나는 VEAEBES(Virtual East Asia Experimental and Behavioral Economics Seminar Series) 주최로 열리는 세미나 입니다.
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