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Applied Micro Brown Bag

Date: Tuesday, Apr 30, 2024, 11:30 ~ 12:30
Speaker: 임건주 (박사과정 6학기)
Location: 우석경제관(223동) 504호

◈ 주   제: Could Air Pollution Information Influence the Number of Traffic Accidents and Vehicles Emissions? The Case of Korea 

◈ 발표자: 임건주 (박사과정 6학기)

◈ 일   시: 2024년 4월 30일 화요일 11:30~12:30

◈ 장   소: 우석경제관(223동) 504호

◈ 주   관: 경제학부, 경제연구소 한국경제혁신센터, SSK, BK21 

◈ 초   록

With the increasing concerns of air pollution, there have been the implementation and
enforcement of various policies addressing air quality issues. In Korea, the nationwide
implementation of the Particulate Matter (PM10) Forecast System began in 2014, followed
by the introduction and enforcement of the Ultra-Fine Dust (PM2.5) Forecast System in
2015. This study estimated the impact of air pollutants information systems on the number of
traffic accidents and vehicle exhaust in Korea. The results showed that, if the forecasts for
PM10 appeared bad or very bad, then it significantly decreases traffic accidents as well as car
emissions, specifically Carbon Monoxide (CO). Also, the findings indicate a stronger
responsiveness to PM10 forecasting compared to PM2.5 forecasting among the public.
Despite governmental efforts to emphasize PM2.5 forecasting due to its severe health
implications, individuals often fail to distinguish between PM10 and PM2.5 and lack a
nuanced understanding of the latter's significant health risks.

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