The effect of being unemployed on divorce
Date: Thursday, May 18, 2023, 11:30 ~ 12:30
Speaker: 황영지 (박사과정 수료)
Location: Applied Micro Brown Bag
ㅇ 일시: 2023년 05월 18일 목요일 11:30~12:30
ㅇ 발표자: 황영지 (박사과정 수료)
ㅇ 발표제목:The effect of being unemployed on divorce
ㅇ 장소: 우석경제관(223동) 307호
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궁금하신 점은 박예지(조교에게 메일 부탁드립니다.
ㅇ Abstract
: Using individual longitudinal data, KLIPS, this paper estimates the effect of being unemployed on the risk of divorce. To solve the endogeneity problem of being unemployed, I select the individuals who lost their job involuntarily during the IMF shock period. The hypothesis is that a couple postpones divorce until the economic expansion or recovery period because of an economic constraint when one spouse loses a job involuntarily. The method for the estimation is DD, but I estimate the risk of divorce year by year to see the dynamics. It is estimated using the Bartik instrument as well as a robustness check. For the method with the Bartik instrument, there is a different risk of being unemployed given to each individual depending on the industry each person works for and the region.