How does Medicaid managed care affect provider behavior? New evidence from spillovers on private health care
* 주관: 서울대학교 경제학부, 경제연구소 한국경제혁신센터, SSK, BK21
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How does Medicated managed care affect provider behavior? New evidence from spillovers on private health care.
Ajin Lee
Abstract: Medicaid is increasingly provided by private managed care plans. I investigate the staggered rollout of mandates across counties in New York, which required Medicaid beneficiaries to enroll in a private managed care plan. I find improvements following the mandate, as evidenced by increased routine office visits and child immunizations for Medicaid beneficiaries. Routine office visits similarly increased for the privately insured, especially in low-income areas, suggesting that physicians updated their overall practice styles when the mandate affected a large share of their patients. The same-signed spillover suggests that managed care directly shifted provider practice styles instead of simply sorting patients toward certain providers. Consistent with this result, I show that managed care expanded Medicaid beneficiaries' access to physicians and reduced market concentration relative to the public system.