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(비대면 전환) Structural Analysis of Xenophobia (with Huan Deng)

Date: Wednesday, Aug 10, 2022, 16:00 ~ 17:15
Speaker: Yujung Hwang (Johns Hopkins)
Location: Zoom을 통한 비대면 세미나
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*본 세미나는 졸업요건(2022-2학기) 및 BK 관련(2022-1학기) 세미나 참석으로 인정되는 행사입니다.

황유정 교수님의 세미나가 있을 예정입니다.  (주관: 서울대학교 경제학부, 경제연구소 한국경제혁신센터, SSK, BK21)

문의사항은 담당 조교에게 메일(로 문의 바랍니다.

Abstract: We estimate a signaling game of xenophobic behaviors to understand how individual racial animus and perceived unacceptance of racial animus determine xenophobic behaviors in equilibrium. To identify our model, we design a survey about anti-Chinese xenophobia in the US during the Pandemic. We validate our estimates by comparing our model predictions with the causal estimates obtained from an information Randomized Controlled Trial. We find raising perceived unacceptance is more effective than reducing racial animus at decreasing most xenophobic behaviors. We quantify the effects of a COVID infection and Fox News viewership on xenophobic behaviors in the short and long run.
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