On the Use of Micro Data in Macroeocnomics
Date: Tuesday, Apr 9, 2019, 16:00 ~ 18:30
Speaker: 서울대 금융경제연구원 워크샵 (SIRFE Workshop)
Location: Building 16, Room 349, International Conference Room
◎ Title : On the Use of Micro Data in Macroeconomics
◎ Date : April 9 (Tue) 4:00 – 6:30 pm
◎ Location : Building 16, Room 349, International Conference Room
Chair Young Sik Kim (Director of SIRFE, Seoul National University)
4:00-5:00 Yicheng Wang (University of Oslo)
“Capitalism Human Capital”
5:00-5:15 Coffee Break
5:15-6:15 Marios Karabarbounis (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
“Regional Consumption Responses and the Aggregate Fiscal Multiplier”
6:15-6:30 QnA
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