Demographic Preferences and Income Segregation
◈ 주 제 : Demographic Preferences and Income Segregation
◈ 발표자 : Victor Couture (University of Toronto)
◈ 일 시 : 2024년 11월 28일 목요일 16:30 ~ 17:45
◈ 장 소 : 아시아연구소(101동) 230호
◈ 주 관 : 경제학부, 경제연구소 한국경제혁신센터, SSK, BK21
Demographic Preferences and Income Segregation
We investigate whether demographic preferences explain income segregation in shared spaces. To distinguish preferences over demographic composition from prefer- ences over other venue characteristics, we study venue choices within business chains. We find two notable regularities: racial homophily does not vary by income, and pref- erences for high-income co-patrons are similar across racial groups. These demographic preferences are economically large, explain much of the cross-group variation in expo- sure to high-income co-patrons, and correlate with movers’ neighborhood choices.
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