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5Sep, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Efficiency and Inequality in the Network Economy 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Frederic Moisan (University of Cambridge)
10Sep, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] Does Increased Shareholder Liability Always Reduce Bank Moral Hazard? 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

최동범 (서울대 경영대학)
17Sep, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] US Monetary Policy and the Dual Mandate 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

김진일 (고려대 경제학과)
19Sep, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Sequencing problems with participation constraints and incentives 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Manipushpak Mitra (Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata)
25Sep, 2019
26Sep, 2019

[BK21 Seminar] The effect of US monetary policy shock on the $/₤ exchange rate 12:30 ~ 13:30 | 101동 512호 (아시아센터 5층, 경제학부 세미나실)

안지혜 (서울대학교 박사과정)
1Oct, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] Monetary Policy Workshop 15:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

금융경제연구원 (SIRFE)
4Oct, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Central Bank Digital Currency: Welfare and Policy Implications 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Stephen D. Williamson (Western University)
8Oct, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] How Sticky Wages in Existing Jobs Can Affect Hiring 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

장용성 (서울대 경제학부)
10Oct, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Are Part-Time Workers Less Productive than Full-Time Workers? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Ethiopia 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Hyuncheol Bryant Kim (Cornell University)
11Oct, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] 데이터경제와 개인프라이버시 보호 14:30 ~ 17:30 | 아시아연구소 영원홀 (101동 210호)

2019 금융경제연구원 핀테크포럼
17Oct, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] A Simple Uniformly Valid Test for Inequalities 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Gregory Cox (Columbia University)
17Oct, 2019
23Oct, 2019

[IER Seminar] Incentives of Low-Quality Sellers to Disclose Negative Information: Experimental Analysis 12:15 ~ 13:15 | Seoul National University, Social Science Building #16-655

Dmitry Shapiro
28Oct, 2019

[Others] Europe's Growth Champion: Insights from the Economic Rise of Poland 16:00 ~ 17:30 | 16동 349호

Dr. Marcin Piatkowski (World Bank)
31Oct, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Strategic Pricing with Social Learning 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Chia-Hui Chen (Kyoto Institute of Economic Research)
5Nov, 2019
5Nov, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Monetary Policy with Ageing 17:00 ~ 18:15 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Sehyoun Ahn (Norges Bank)
5Nov, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] Monetary Policy with Ageing 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Sehyoun Ahn (Norges Bank)
6Nov, 2019

[Applied Micro Seminar] Proseminars in Applied Microeconomics 16:00 ~ 18:00 | 16동 655호

유지수, 김규연, 김영광, 김기성(석사과정)
7Nov, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] Targeted predictors for assessing macroeconomic tail risks 15:00 ~ 16:15 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

도태영 (FRB Kansas City)
8Nov, 2019

[CEBSS Seminar] Korea Workshop: Experimental Economics and Development Economics 09:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-349, College of Social Science

13Nov, 2019

[IER Seminar] 추후 공지 12:15 ~ 13:15 | Seoul National University, Social Science Building #16-655

Ryo Okui
14Nov, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] 문재인 정부 경제정책 중간 점검 14:00 ~ 17:00 | 아시아연구소 영원홀 (101동 210호)

금융경제연구원 10주년 기념 정책심포지엄
14Nov, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Our Distrust is Very Expensive 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Matthew Mitchell (University of Toronto)
19Nov, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] Cyclical Dynamics of Shopping: Aggregate Implications on Labor and Product Markets 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

강신혁 (노동연구원)
20Nov, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Another Look at Returns to Birthweight 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Shiko Maruyama (University of Technology Sydney)
20Nov, 2019

[Applied Micro Seminar] Another Look at Returns to Birthweight 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 16동 655호

Shiko Maruyama(University of Technology Sydney)
21Nov, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Belief Elicitation when more than Money Matters 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Juan Dubra (University of Montevideo)
27Nov, 2019
28Nov, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Political Beta 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Margarita Portnykh (Carnegie Melon University)
3Dec, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] global financial shocks and emerging markets’ sovereign default risk 15:30 ~ 17:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

박정재 (National University of Singapore)
3Dec, 2019

[SIRFE Seminar] Business Cycles and Earnings Inequality 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Byoungchan Lee (HKUST)
5Dec, 2019

[Applied Micro Seminar] 19세기 말 면주전 접방(接房)의 감소와 도중(都中)의 대응 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 16동 655호

김미성(KAIST 인문사회과학연구소)
12Dec, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Business Cycle Synchronization across Chinese Provinces 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Lin Zhang (Henan University)
19Dec, 2019

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Do single-sex schools make girls less interested in science and engineering majors? 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

감지혜 (Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen)
6Jan, 2020

[Others] Macro Labor 특강 14:00 ~ 15:15 | 16동 655호

Mark Bils (로체스터대)
8Jan, 2020

[Others] Macro Labor 특강 14:00 ~ 15:15 | 16동 655호

Mark Bils (로체스터대)
10Jan, 2020

[Others] Recent Research in Macroeconomics 10:00 ~ 16:30 | 16동 655호

Mark Bils, Joseph Kaboski, Andrea Lanteri, Hye-Mi You, Yongsung Chang
13Jan, 2020

[Others] Macro Labor 특강 14:00 ~ 15:15 | 16동 655호

Mark Bils (로체스터대)
15Jan, 2020

[Others] Macro Labor 특강 14:00 ~ 15:15 | 16동 655호

Mark Bils (로체스터대)
16Jan, 2020

[Others] Misallocation or Mismeasurement? 16:00 ~ 17:30 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Mark Bils (University of Rochester and SNU)
16Jan, 2020

[BK21 Seminar] Common ownership and bank stability: evidence from the U.S. banking industry 12:30 ~ 13:30 | 16동 655호

박해랑 (서울대 경제학부 박사과정)
17Jan, 2020
20Jan, 2020

[Others] Macro Labor 특강 14:00 ~ 15:15 | 16동 655호

Mark Bils (로체스터대)
22Jan, 2020

[Others] Macro Labor 특강 14:00 ~ 15:15 | 16동 655호

Mark Bils (로체스터대)
30Jan, 2020

[IER Seminar] The 15th Joint Economics Workshop of the University of Tokyo and Seoul National University 10:00 ~ 16:30 | Seoul National University, Social Science Building #16-655

SNU, University of Tokyo Faculty
6Feb, 2020

[BK21 Seminar] Who suffers during recessions?: Evidence from Korea 12:30 ~ 13:30 | 16동 655호

박지혜 (서울대 경제학부 박사과정)
12Feb, 2020

[BK21 Seminar] Limited Attention in Beverage Choice 12:30 ~ 13:30 | 16동 655호

신진욱 (서울대 경제학부 박사과정)
27Feb, 2020

[CEBSS Seminar] Civic Engagement as a Second-Order Public Good 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Room 655 , Social Science Building (16 Dong)

Jean-Robert Tyran (Professor of Finance at the Department of Economics at the University of Vienna)
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