일시 |
발표자 |
세미나 주제 |
2024-09-26(목) 16:30~18:00 |
허은정 (서울시립대학교) |
Unambiguous Efficiency of Random Allocations |
2024-10-17(목) 16:30~18:00 |
임우영 (홍콩과기대학) |
Controlled Beliefs in Bayesian Games |
2024-10-22(화) 16:30~18:00 |
Ruediger Bachmann (University of Notre Dame) |
Cancelled |
2024-11-28(목) 16:30~18:00 |
Morimitsu Kurino (Keio University) |
Who makes the cut? Endogenous priority design for heterogeneous groups of agents |
2024-12-05(목) 16:30~18:00 |
Shahir Safi (New Economic School) |
2024-12-13(금) 16:30~18:00 |
Diogo Geraldes (University College Dublin) |
Closing the Gender Gap in Multilateral Negotiations Through Institutional Design |
세미나 장소: 16동 사회과학대학 6층 655호 경제학부 세미나실