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Ph.D. Graduate

2017. 08. Graduate

Name Advisor Dissertation Title
송상윤 김영식 Establishment Size, Industry, and Wage Inequality: The Roles of Bonus and Rent Sharing
이영재 이철인 Essays on Macroeconomics with Heterogeneous Agents

2017. 02. Graduate

Name Advisor Dissertation Title
김성남 이영훈 근대전환기 농촌 사회·경제의 지속과 변화: 언양 지역 미시 자료를 이용한 수량경제적 접근
임건태 김소영 Essays on the Effects and Transmission of Monetary Policy
한준희 이근 Solving Macroeconomic Trilemma in Emerging Economies: Analysis using Evolutionary Economics Simulations and Policy Implications

2016. 08. Graduate

Name Advisor Dissertation Title
강래윤 이근 The Role of Trademarks and Patents in the Long term Evolution of Firm Performance in Korea
기지훈 이근 An Evolutionary Model of Changes in Industrial Leadership and Catch-up by Latecomers: Collective Learning-by-doing, Endogenous Innovation, and the Incumbent Trap
노재연 박지형 The Effect of Pre-existing FTAs with Asymmetric Third Countries on the Formation of a New FTA
박실 김소영 China Spillover to Asia: Firm-Level Evidence
안소영 양동휴 Trade Agreements and Stock Markets
임근형 김소영 Two Essays on Monetary Policy
임정은 양동휴 고정환율제도와 세계경제
페테네 김소영 Foreign Exchange Rate Dynamics and Trade Balance: Empirical Evidence from Eastern Africa

2016. 02. Graduate

Name Advisor Dissertation Title
강지혜 김소영 The Effects of Government Spending Shocks with Fiscal Foresight
김명원 류근관 Forecasting Bankruptcy More Frequently : Information Update via High Frequency Data
마흐야르 이근 Comparing the Impact of Investment Climate, Innovation Systems, and International Integration on Firm Productivity in Developing Countries (Multilevel Analysis)
이선영 이근 Analyzing the Capital Market Instability based on Agent-based Model
임지선 이근 Dynamic Analysis of the Employment Effect of Innovation in Different Market Structure : Korean Manufacturing Firms and Sectors
정재원 류근관 경기동행적 또는 경기역행적? 소득집단별 경기변동이 개인의 건강에 미치는 차별적 효과
정진용 김선구 Three Essays in the Agency Problems
홍정림 이철희 건강보험 보장성 강화정책의 효과 분석
홍정의 이재원 부동산 시장에서의 왜곡적 기대에 대한 거시경제학적 모형

2015. 08. Graduate

Name Advisor Dissertation Title
김균태 김소영 유로존 역내 불균형에 관한 연구 : 경기동조성과 경상수지 불균형을 중심으로
라미령 박지형 Multi-brand Firms and Brand Acquisition : the Impact of Trade Liberalization on Reallocation of Brand Equity
변준석 류근관 주택연금 수요의 가격효과
윤종문 김소영 Three Essays on Global Diversification Structural Demand Estimation, Credit Card Interest Rate
장일수 전영섭 네트워크 구조가 있는 협조적 게임의 응용에 관한 연구
전계형 류근관 출산, 인적자본, 생애소비 분석을 위한 동태적 일반균형모형 : 출산, 교육, 연금 정책 조합의 비교분석

2015. 02. Graduate

Name Advisor Dissertation Title
라정주 김영식 A Monetary Approach to the Gravity Model
이병욱 이지순 An Investigation into Saemaul Movement : Economic Growth Perspectives
이현태 이근 Ownership, Institutions, and Economic Performance in China
호미영 윤택 Essays on the Optimal Monetary Policy in Small Open Economies

2014. 08. Graduate

Name Advisor Dissertation Title
고제헌 김세직 한국 가계금융 공급채널로서 전세제도 실증분석 : 전월세전환율 중심으로
박준기 이근 What Determines each Nation’s Share in World GDP : Comparison with Determinants of per capita GDP Growth with Focus on Exchange Rate and Repatriated Profit
정승호 김병연 North Korea’s Trade with China : Aggregate and Firm-level Analysis

2014. 02. Graduate

Name Advisor Dissertation Title
김민정 김병연 Financially Distressed Firms in the Korean Manufacturing Sectors : Bank Loan, Innovations, and Reorganization
오철 이근 Patterns of Catch-up in Technologies and Markets
홍제환 이영훈 韓國 近代의 會社制度 活用에 관한 硏究
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