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6Oct, 2023

[CEBSS Seminar] Boundedly Rational Information Demand 10:00 ~ 11:30 | Zoom을 통한 온라인 세미나

Yuchen Liang (Carnegie Mellon University)
5Oct, 2023

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Higher-order misspecification and equilibrium stability(with Takeshi Murooka) 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 우석경제관(223동) 504호

Yuichi Yamamoto (Hitotsubashi)
4Oct, 2023

[Applied Micro Seminar] Explaining Variation in Quality of Life through Amenities: Evidence from Korean Cities 16:30 ~ 17:45 | 우석경제관(223동) 504호

Heepyhung Cho (Korea University)
21Sep, 2023

[SIRFE Seminar] Structural Transformation over 150 years of Women and Men’s Work 17:00 ~ 18:15 | 우석경제관(223동) 504호

Rachel Ngai (LSE & Imperial College)
20Sep, 2023
19Sep, 2023

[KEKA Seminar] 경제개발기 한국자동차산업의 경제효과분석 14:00 ~ 15:00 | 서울대학교 우석경제관(223동) 507호

19Sep, 2023

[SIRFE Seminar] Composite Sorting 17:00 ~ 18:15 | 우석경제관(223동) 504호

Job Boerma (Wisconsin)
15Sep, 2023
14Sep, 2023

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Non-cooperative Equilibria as Walrasian Models of Exchange 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 우석경제관(223동) 504호

Joon Song (SKKU)
12Sep, 2023

[KEKA Seminar] 한국의 산업정책과 경제성장 14:00 ~ 15:00 | 서울대학교 우석경제관(223동) 507호

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