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9Mar, 2017

[Others] Lectures on strategy-proofness 11:00 ~ 12:30 | Building #16-M306, College of Social Science

Mitra (ISI)
7Mar, 2017

[Others] Lectures on strategy-proofness 11:00 ~ 12:30 | Building #16-M306, College of Social Science

Mitra (ISI)
7Mar, 2017

[SIRFE Seminar] 국내 금융 이슈와 변화 방향 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

배현기 소장 (하나금융경영연구소)
2Mar, 2017

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Simple Least Squares Estimator for Treatment Effect Using Propensity Score Residual 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

이명재 (고려대학교)
2Mar, 2017

[Others] Lectures on strategy-proofness 11:00 ~ 12:30 | Building #16-M306, College of Social Science

Mitra (ISI)
28Feb, 2017

[Others] Lectures on strategy-proofness 11:00 ~ 12:30 | Building #16-M306, College of Social Science

Mitra (ISI)
16Jan, 2017

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Simultaneous Confidence Bands: Theoretical Comparisons and Recommendations for Practice 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 사회과학대학(16동) 6층 655호 (경제학부 세미나실)

Mikkel Plagborg-Moller (Harvard University)
8Dec, 2016
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