4Apr, 2018
[Others] 소득주도성장 정책 쟁점과 평가 12:00 ~ 13:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science
성태윤 (연세대 경제학부)
4Apr, 2018
[Applied Micro Seminar] 한국의 임금불평등성의 역사적 파동 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 16동 655호 (Building #16-655, College of Social Science)
박이택 (고려대)
29Mar, 2018
[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] 소득주도성장: 이론, 실증, 그리고 한국의 논쟁 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science
Kang-Kook Lee
22Mar, 2018
[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Identification in Nonparametric Models for Dynamic Treatment Effects 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science
Sukjin Han (University of Texas at Austin)
14Mar, 2018
[SIRFE Seminar] Financial Economics Workshop in honor of Douglas Gale 13:15 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-349, College of Social Science
Douglas Gale (New York University) et al.
14Mar, 2018
[Applied Micro Seminar] Minimum Wage Introduction, Employer Response, and Labor Productivity of Firms: Evidence from South Korea 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 16동 655호 (Building #16-655, College of Social Science)
박우람 (KDI)
8Mar, 2018
[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Why is capital slow moving? Liquidity hysteresis and the dynamics of limited arbitrage 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science
Jungsuk Han (Stockholm School of Economics)
27Feb, 2018
[Others] Strategy-proofness 14:00 ~ 16:00 | 16동 M306
Prof. Mitra
27Feb, 2018
[CDJ Seminar] 한국교육의 계층사다리와 인적자본투자 이대로 좋은가? 13:45 ~ 17:30 | 아시아연구소 영원홀 (101동 210호)
26Feb, 2018
[BK21 Seminar] BK21플러스 특별강연/ 한국에서의 세대간 이전과 노부모의 노동공급 (Intra-Household Transfers and Elderly’s Retirement 11:00 ~ 12:00 | 16동 655호 (경제학부 세미나실)
Sang-Hyop Lee (University of Hawaii)