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27Sep, 2017

[IER Seminar] Unveiling the North Korean Economy: Ten Facts and Two Conjectures 12:15 ~ 13:15 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

김병연 교수 (서울대 경제학부)
27Sep, 2017

[Applied Micro Seminar] What Happens to the Wage Structure When Nearly Everyone Has a College Degree? The Case of South Korea 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 16동 655호 (Building #16-655, College of Social Science)

김태훈 (세종대)
26Sep, 2017

[SIRFE Seminar] Blockchain in financial environment transformation 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

한호현 교수(경희대 컴퓨터공학과)
25Sep, 2017

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] The Dynamic Impact of R&D Investment on Productivity and Export Demand in Swedish Manufacturing 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Mark Roberts (Penn State University)
21Sep, 2017

[CDJ Seminar] Upstream, Downstream: Diffusion and Impacts of the Universal Product Code (joint with Tim Simcoe, Boston University) 16:30 ~ 18:00 | 아시아연구소(101동) 512호

Emek Basker (University of Missouri)
21Sep, 2017

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] The Welfare Consequences of Free Entry in Vertical Relationships: The Case of the MRI Market 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Naoki Wakamori (University of Tokyo)
20Sep, 2017

[IER Seminar] What Have We Learned?: Experiments on Communist Indoctrination and Economic Implications 12:15 ~ 13:15 | 16동 655호

최승주 교수 (서울대 경제학부)
19Sep, 2017

[SIRFE Seminar] When Do Firms Benefit from Affiliated Outside Directors? Evidence from Korea 17:00 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

조성욱 교수(서울대 경영대학)
19Sep, 2017

[T. S. Kim Seminar (Micro)] Queueing Problems: Strategic and Fairness Issues 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-349, College of Social Science

Duygu Yengin (The University of Adelaide)
14Sep, 2017

[BK21 Seminar] Public Works and Non-Farm Self-Employment: Evidence from India 12:30 ~ 13:30 | 16동 655호 (Bldg. 16, Room 655)

Josh Merfeld (Ph.D Candidate, University of Washington)
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