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경제학부에서는 故 김태성 교수를 기념하기 위하여 1999년 이래로 매년 '김태성 추모강연 (T. S. Kim Memorial Lecture)을 개최하여 5회의 추모강연을 가진 바 있습니다.  2004년 9월부터는 '김태성 기념세미나 (T. S. Kim Memorial Seminar)'로 변경하여 국내외의 저명한 경제학자들을 모시고 매주 세미나를 개최하고 있습니다. 교수님들과 학생 여러분들의 많은 참여 바랍니다.
28Sep, 2017

Product Adoption in Social Networks 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Moritz Meyer-ter-Vehn (UCLA)
25Sep, 2017

The Dynamic Impact of R&D Investment on Productivity and Export Demand in Swedish Manufacturing 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Mark Roberts (Penn State University)
21Sep, 2017

The Welfare Consequences of Free Entry in Vertical Relationships: The Case of the MRI Market 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Naoki Wakamori (University of Tokyo)
19Sep, 2017

Queueing Problems: Strategic and Fairness Issues 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-349, College of Social Science

Duygu Yengin (The University of Adelaide)
14Sep, 2017

Mostly Harmless Regulation: Electronic Cigarettes, Public Policy and Consumer Welfare 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Donald Kenkel (Cornell University)
7Sep, 2017

Inference on Trending Panel Data 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Peter M. Robinson (London School of Economics)
18Jul, 2017

Advertising and Risk Selection in Health Insurance Markets 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

김유석 (Federal Reserve Board)
13Jul, 2017

Household Debt Overhang and the Transmission of Monetary Policy 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

Sarah Zubairy (Texas A&M University)
22Jun, 2017

Misspecification testing in spatial autoregressive models 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

이정윤 (Royal Holloway, University of London)
15Jun, 2017

Knowing Is Not Half the Battle: Impacts of the National Health Screening Program in Korea 16:30 ~ 18:00 | Building #16-655, College of Social Science

김현철 (Cornell University)
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